In The News...

My Journey With Pinkathon

It’s a great privilege and pleasure to write an article for The Pinkathon Blog. Starting this blog is a wonderful idea to keep all the pink sisters motivated throughout the year to work towards a healthy lifestyle and fitness. Pinkathon first came into my life in the November of 2013. The year Pune was first introduced to the mesmerising event that is sweeping the country Pink!! It was a bleak and uncertain period of my life [...]

Cancer Winner Running for Cancer Awareness

I am a Pinkathon ambassador, especially as a cancer crusader. Last year June 2013, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Though I went under the knife to get the big football size tumour removed, I did not opt for radio therapy and chemotherapy after. I am a homeopathic consultant [...]

My tango with cancer!!!

Cancer healing begins with complete acceptance of the disease. With acceptance comes responsibility of being a partner in the healing process. So you need to make all the essential changes in your lifestyle and mindset. Most importantly, you need to free yourself of the negative energy. Negative trapped emotions and celullar memories of the past and present have a negative energy charge. The bigger the load of this negative energy, the graver the disease[...]

Win your battle against cancer

Overcoming ovarian cancer, Dr Mitali Upadhye shares her story of survival and some valuable lessons that can help others last June, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The tumour was the size of a football. Initially it was a huge shock. I wondered, ‘How could I get cancer?’ Till then I thought that my medical degree and knowledge gave me complete immunity against any such life-threatening diseases. But sadly, with my cancer, I found myself on the other side [...]